
Access to Country #LandBack campaign

We were proud supporters of the Anaiwan Land Back campaign

Aboriginal land in Aboriginal hands is essential for the survival and revival of culture and identity, which is key for improving health and wellbeing. It’s also about reclaiming Aboriginal peoples active role as custodians of country and tackling climate change. The Armidale Climate and Health Project was proud to be allies in the campaign run by local Anaiwan people to buy back a block of land – where Aboriginal people can go to revive and practice culture, to revitalize language, and to care for country.

The group succeeded in a plan to buy a block of land to run cultural camps for Aboriginal kwānga (children) in out-of-home care, on-country Anaiwan language learning, the growing and harvesting of native foods and medicines, gatherings of local Aboriginal men’s and women’s groups, and as a place where Aboriginal people can come together to sing songs, dance dances, and share stories. This patch of Country will become #NyambikaUrala, ‘our home’ for cultural revival, #OurAnaiwanHomeland.

To read more about the successful campaign go to: