Home Grown Garden Tour 2024
The Armidale Climate and Health Project proudly support the Home Grown Garden Tour 2024 – a “choose your own adventure” weekend for learning about the town’s hidden backyard produce!
There are no immediate events planned but we are working on Phase 2 of the Armidale Climate and Health Project developing a local Community Food Infrastructure Project in 2024, supported by a UNE Research Startup Grant.
The Armidale Climate and Health Project proudly support the Home Grown Garden Tour 2024 – a “choose your own adventure” weekend for learning about the town’s hidden backyard produce!
A day-long workshop that explores how habits and time use connects (in complex ways) with food related climate adaptation.
The Primary Health Network Covid Reconnection Grant funded meal project
We supported a local Anaiwan campaign to buy land, decolonise property and create new pathways to care for Country
Supporting the local Aboriginal community to revitalise the East Armidale Aboriginal Community Garden, in partnership with One Connection disability support services
The first phase of the project included an Open Day, Creek Walk, Audio Tour, Aboriginal Community Garden Working Bees, Advocacy for Anaiwan Landback, Sustainable Health Care and Advocacy for Local Food Networks, Culminating in the Home Grown Garden Tour.
We showcased local gardens and growers in the 10th annual Home Grown Garden Tour!
On Sunday November 14, 3-5pm we met at Lake Zot (University of New England – Round Trip) and explored the connections between Colonisation, Climate change and water health, in line
On May 15 2021 at the Aboriginal Culture Centre and Keeping Place we held an Open Day with music, information about the project and the very first Creek Walk!
On the Winter Solstice (or the day before!) we met at Black Gully and NERAM’s Packsaddle to discuss the future of food in Armidale and how to create a thriving
Launched on 26th September 2021 on a freezing COVID-restricted arvo at NERAM with music, speeches and readings. The program is downloadable here.
This project is proudly supported by the NSW Government Adapt NSW Increasing Reslience to Climate Change Community Grant; and the Community Weathering Station, Armajun Aboriginal Health Service, Sustainable Living Armidale and University of New England.
We acknowledge that the work of this project is taking place on Anaiwan Country, we acknowledge that the custodianship of the land and waters is shared with the Gomeroi, Dunghutti, Birpi and Gumbaynggirr people. We pay our respect to elders past and present, and acknowledge sovereignty over land and waters was never ceded. We also would like to welcome any Indigenous people visiting this site to reach out to participate in the project. We aim for this project to can contribute to the repair of damage done by the process of colonisation.